Friday 3 October 2008

Visiting Bacup market on Friday

Just to keep you updated.
I've been to the market today and recorded some conversations with stallholders and customers. I also asked if I could take some pics - so I'll post them so you can have a look for yourselves.
Whilst I was there I revisited some of the shops, I arranged to interview the florist next wed 8th and I also bought a bouquet from her for my friend who comes out of hospital tomorrow. The bouquet is really unusual with thistles and brassicas, really pleased. I also visited the shop which sells lots of household items and plastic boxes. I found a folding fishing chair so I can now use my idea of being an itinerant tea lady next time I visit!! Of course after purchasing the chair and explaining that we had alot of yes votes from shopkeepers for interviews the owner agreed, she's on the list for next wed along with 2 more. So 4 shops all in all and it will also provide me with the opportunity to visit the wedneday market.
A successful visit!

1 comment:

Paul Hartley said...

This is a great start really like how this blog allows an insight into the process, hope others will catch on a keep track. Just to let you all know I have orgainsed a meeting with PEER the support project for businesses to see how they can support the process, next steps will keep you updated